Monday 4 March 2013

Cultural Web Portals for Mandaya Objectives

Posted by Gongzter Company 10:57

General Objectives
            This capstone project is designed to be a technological medium for cultural conservation of the Mandaya tribe through developing a series of web portals with its digitized libraries, galleries, museums and flash games.

Specific Objectives
  •   Develop web application that provides details about Mandaya tribe
  •  Develop an application that digitized the following information; history, beliefs, rituals, and cultural practices exhibited in songs, dances, games, instruments, artworks, clothing, and other relevant artifacts
  •   Develop a web application that integrates limited Mandaya audio translations of common phrases and expressions in English
  •   Develop an interactive flash game featuring authentic Mandayan recreations
  •   Develop a web application that features specific provisions of IPRA
  •    Develop a web application that integrates database system as a repository of content of its web pages


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